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  Re: aglaonemas
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2001.10.23 at 18:53:08(7658)
In a message dated Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:43:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alektra@aol.com writes:

> Hello, I'm new to this list,
> so I don't know the people and interests on it.
> My fascination is with aglaonemas...
> Is there anyone else out there who loves them?

Aglaonemas...very much an overlooked genus in this group, with so many of us Amorpho-freaks, Anthurium fanciers, and one very vocal Spathi-phile. I love those aroids you don't see in every shopping mall lobby or doctor's waiting room (obviously, that lets out P. bipinnatifidum). Aglaonema is a genus I would love to see in its natural habitat, blooming, with a crowd of pollinators around. I find I grow fewer and fewer houseplants as the years go by, because plants inside a house, detached from their ecological niches, are of less and less interest to me. One day I shall find the wild Aglaonema....

Jason Hernandez

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