Dragon-Agro Products in their display at the Greater New York Orchid
Society Show last month. >>>See attached jpgs please. <<
out the Dragon Agro page if they have other clones for sale. The sunlight
coming through the glass ceiling of the Wintergarden at the World Financial
Center probably helped to contribute to the reddish sheen. At first
impression in actual encounter, it does appear black, and in a shady
greenhouse or in the jungle probably darker too.>>>
Unfortunately this April we probably won't have a show there.
Bonaventure Magrys
Cliffwood Beach, NJ USA(See attached file: Black Anthurium 1.jpg)(See
attached file: Black Anthurium 2.jpg)
"Lyn Edwards" @mobot.org on 09/24/2001 10:51:02
Please respond to aroid-l@mobot.org
Sent by: aroid-l@mobot.org
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: black anthurium ?
I have just acquired a plant sold to me as a black anthurium from an
grower who didn,t know anything about this plant.Does such a plant exist ?
have taken a couple of digital photos which I could send if anyone could
take a look for me. The leaves are about 2 feet tall and held very stiffly.
The flower is nestled at the base and is very definately black ,
Lyn Edwards
email lynelda@austarmetro.com.au
Black Anthurium 1.jpg
Black Anthurium 2.jpg