From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at> on 2001.09.13 at 02:45:54(7474)
Let us all remember our aim. We all desire peace, I think. Let our emotions
be just what they are. Honor them. One thing to remember is that hate, hurts
you. Compassion helps all mankind. At times like these, it is difficult to
understand, to see a way to find that compassion. Fear is normal. Our lives
in moments have changed forever. Patience, patience and look within. It is a
time to stand back and look within and find ways to move through this fear
and these emotions to a better place. Each of us will find our own ways.
Some will do the same thing as has been done for centuries, hate and
revenge. Some of us, will try in our own ways to find a different way to
move on. The old expression, doing the same old thing expecting a different
result, is so true. You get the same old result with different camouflage.
Let's try something new, and have faith that we will have something new and
better as the result.
This is a day of contemplation...... Peace
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Denis wrote:
> Dear Aroiders:
> I am numb. I can't believe that people could be that warped as to
> destroy the lives of that many innocent people and cause that much
> economic caos. It has sucked the joy of growing plants temporarily from
> my life. One thing that can be said is that there is too much hatred in
> the world. I sit here at work not wanting to do anything important.
> Everything pales in the wake of this horrible event.
> Denis at Silver Krome Gardens
> wrote:
> >
> > dear friends,
> >
> > i just wanted to say thanks to all who have written, privately or
> > otherwise,
> > to express their concern and sympathy.
> >
> > i'm at home now after our offices closed down. fortunately i do not
> > work
> > anywhere near the financial district, as i have in the past. this
> > morning, the day started out really nicely, with beautiful, blue,
> > clear
> > skies. when i was going to work, however, our train got stuck in the
> > tunnel
> > and the conductor announced "believe it or not, an airplane has
> > crashed into
> > the world trade center, therefore we are experiencing congestion
> > ahead."
> > when our train pulled over the manhattan bridge, there was a
> > collective gasp
> > as we could see closely both towers of the WTC burning, one was
> > burning at
> > the top, whereas the other was more than half in flames. it was not
> > to be
> > believed. i wondered at that time how were people trying to evacuate
> > those
> > buildings. after we arrived at union square, i overheard some
> > passengers
> > that had fled the downtown area talk about hearing and seeing the
> > explosions,
> > and the ensuing chaos to evacuate the area. only then i heard that
> > two
> > planes, not only one, had crashed into the towers, and that must have
> > been
> > right before we crossed the bridge. later when i got to work, we saw
> > the
> > towers collapsing on tv. it's hard to imagine that two buildings over
> > 100
> > stories tall could be destroyed so quickly.
> >
> > the downtown area is still totally engulfed in smoke. i had to take a
> >
> > different subway line to get home since several lines are not running.
> > as i
> > crossed prospect park in this clear and beautiful day, it felt
> > deceptively
> > placid and idyllic, except for the enormous cloud of smoke in the
> > horizon and
> > the smell of burning in the air. i'm still rather numb and in shock.
> >
> > thank you again for all that have written. may we find peace in these
> >
> > difficult times.
> >
> > tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA