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Re: Greenhouse effect
From: Rand Nicholson writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 2001.09.09 at 17:01:10(7432)
>In a message dated Fri, 7 Sep 2001 1:15:47 AM Eastern Daylight
>Time, Neil Carroll writes:
| +More |
>When the ice cubes
>> in my glass of water melt, the water level in the glass does not get any
>> higher than it did when the ice cubes were still frozen. The entire northern
>> ice cap is floating in the ocean the whole thing could melt and it wouldn't
>> change the oceans level one millimeter. The south pole is only about half on
>> land so the oceans may rise a very little bit.
>You are right about the north polar cap,
>Jason Hernandez
I would not dismiss a large ice mass such as the Norththern Polar
Cap. If it should melt, there goes the climate. Then it will *rain*.
Much of that water will fall on land.
Kind Regards,
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