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  Regarding Pepe
From: plantnut plantnut at macconnect.com> on 2001.07.27 at 06:18:57(7147)
First of all, Mr. McNinch, I think you have missed my point completely. I
am not condoning what Pepe did. It was wrong. I am lamenting the method
of apprehension and the severity of the, thus far, punishment. He is now
in Federal Prison and will be there for a total of about two weeks before
even bail is set. This, to me, is outrageous.

Your views on Conservation are admirable but a little misplaced. It brings
to mind the situation in Northern California a few years ago with the
Spotted Owl. The Conservationists blocked legitimate logging for over a
year and put a lot of folks on welfare (which you paid for with your tax
dollars). Personally, I know of one that went bankrupt. It is all an
economic matter and it brings to mind a bumper sticker that was on many
cars in Northern California... "Wipe your A__ with a Spotted Owl".

You probably have never been in the jungles of South America and seen the
devastation caused by clearing land to be used for two or three years for
farming and at the end of that time the land is so depleted that hardly a
grass will grow. When the forest is laid low.... Just try to save one of
the plants that is baking in the sun and dying... Just one! The 'Law'
will come down on you very fast. But, they will be allowed to die right
there. This is Conservation?

As far as changing the Laws...Sure, this is a good idea but have you ever
seen a politician in any country that could see three inches in front of
his/her nose? The integrity of politicians is well known.. I heard on the
News last night that Time Magazine published a figure that 84 people in the
US Congress are cheating on their spouses. I am sure that you can name a
few but Clinton and Condit readily come to mind. Is this the kind of
integrity that we have making our laws and changing the bad ones? Also, in
many countries, it is standard procedure that a few dollars, sucre, pesos
or whatever currency, placed in the right hands is a passport to whatever.
It is common practice and is part of the recognized income of many
Officials in some countries. It is not right... but, it is reality!!

As an economic measure, changing the laws would put a lot of 'Plant Police'
out of work... No Politician wants to put people out of work... It would
decrease his/her popularity with the voters...

So, we have a Catch 22, Conservation for the sake of saving the plants and
owls and an Economic measure of saving people. Wouldn't Solomon have a
good time with this dilemma?

Your source for Tropical Araceae

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