"Wilbert Hetterscheid" @mobot.org on 06/23/2001
08:25:04 PM
Please respond to aroid-l@mobot.org
Sent by: aroid-l@mobot.org
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: Re: Line breeding vs hybridization
I think what we have here is again the awareness that messing around with
objects that originally came from the wild, will eventually lead to objects
that won't make it in nature. This is why I and a colleague of mine
that we also separate the taxonomies of those objects based on different
systematic logic of classification of those objects. They are in 2
contexts ("worlds") and should not be mixed in classifications with
different purposes....bla, bla, bla....
Wilbert Lord P.
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: vrijdag 22 juni 2001 17:57
Subject: Re: Line breeding vs hybridization
> Perhaps this is a bit simple for some of you but it occurs to me that man
> hybridizes to mirror himself in immortality by putting his name on the
> offspring "he" has created. Nature hybridizes for a systematic effect,
> survival. Man hybridizes many times haphazardly but can maintain the
> offspring artificially.
> To me one of the best examples of ruining a species by hybridization are
> meat cows. They need winches to pull out their young, they would not
> survive in nature at all.
> This is a tremendously interesting discussion!
> -- Jill Bell
> Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration and Digital Photography