----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: Amorpho titanum crosses!!!
| What is the current status of somatic cell fusion hybridization and
| regeneration by tissue culture in aroids?
| Bonaventure Magrys - Gene Jockey
| GeoffAroid@aol.com@mobot.org on 06/21/2001 04:10:46 PM
| Please respond to aroid-l@mobot.org
| Sent by: aroid-l@mobot.org
| To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
| cc:
| Subject: Re: Amorpho titanum crosses!!!
| Ron,
| I am sure the Sri Lankan greengrocers in Tooting must think I obtain some
| strange illicit drugs from the amorph tubers, or that I eat vast
| of the curries in which they put them! They have probably sold more in the
| last month or two than the previous year (two other growers have now asked
| me
| to get them some too...).
| I agree with most of the comments on hybrids given here, the majority do
| not
| improve on nature, although I suspect most of us are only too happy to
| various hybrid garden plants without giving it a second thought. It is a
| fairly natural thing for man to pick the biggest, the darkest, the
| the best scented flowers etc etc and its only a short step from there to
| selectively crossing. I think the orchid people have it right, at least
| they
| register everything and one can look up parentage very easily. All these
| cultivar names which mean nothing (what IS Anthurium Jungle King?!, or
| Spathiphyllum Sensation?!) because they wont tell you or dont know the
| parentage are not helping anyone. Yes, we absolutely must conserve and
| disseminate species as much as possible to ensure their survival in
| collections (is it too pessimistic to feel that their habitats just will
| not
| survive?) and for future generations to admire their stunning beauty. I am
| not against hybrids per se as long as the species are cared for, and the
| hybrids well documented. A giant konjac-titanum in the backyard may be
| unlikely but it would certainly get noticed.....
| Just wait till they use gene surgery to join a Spathiphyllum with
| Amorphophallus, Spathiphyllum "Dracula's Delight" anyone...?
| Geoffrey Kibby
| London