----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: donderdag 21 juni 2001 5:25
Subject: Amorphophallus hybridization
> 'Noches:
> Huh????
> I too, stand completely with Ron I. and Don Wilbert on this.
> Jeez - isn't multiple flowering of A. titanium still s'posed to be
> edge" botanical garden horticulture? I recall seeing that there is pollen
> being shared between collections, etc. but howzbout "amplifying" the
> base of these things (i.e. get seed from other populations) before running
> off and degrading them in a haphazard manner? What is the current status
> wild populations of A. titanium? Is it common/well represented in Sumatran
> NP's? Who's running the "studbook" on cultivated plants? And BTW - do we
> really know the source and identity of the "other" parents in these
> crosses?. My vision blurs when I see (yet) another bloody "konjac" post on
> aroid-L, but it seems to me that our friend across the pond and Don Julio
> Boos are continually correcting people's ID tags on their pet
> Amorphophallus.
> I own and enjoy a number of hybrid plants, even though I readily admit to
> being an unabashed "species snob". Clearly, hybrids of any type have many
> merits. But if, indeed, Amorphophallus titanium primary hybrids are to be
> tomorrow's "$ 5.99 special" at your neighborhood Home Depot, for
> at least line breed and outcross the buggers before hybridizing them with
> "sp?".
> Hasta Luego,
> Jay