----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: donderdag 21 juni 2001 5:25
Subject: Line breeding vs hybridization
> My impression is that Symphysodon discus was "improved" by line breeding,
> hybridization. Line breeding is where one selects from a large population
> parents which bring the breeder towards the characteristics s/he finds
> desirable, continuing the selection for many generations. It is this
pursuit of
> "perfection" which has give rise to the domesticated dog, no longer quite
> wolf. This is commonly done with many kinds of plants, FCCs are given to
> outstanding ( by someone's definition) examples of a species. Of course, a
> of dogs is nothing compared to a pack of wolves. Similarly our "improved"
> bred species are no longer as able to survive in the wild.
> Iza Goroff
> Whitewater Wisconsin USA
> Ron Iles wrote:
> > ...But one example dear to me is Symphysodon, "Discus", arguably the
"King" of
> > Aquarium Fishes. Over less than three decades, the arbitrary & mostly
> > undocumented complex hybridisation of these supremely specialised
> > has produced the most extreme degradation of Nature's nobility & adapted
> > biodiversity. All for Man's sensationalism.