From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2001.06.18 at 15:34:42(6750)
Hi Donna!
I would think that there would be some sort of 'disclaimer' like we have in
Aroideana saying that re-printing is permitted with permission of the
publisher, or better as long as credit is given to the author, but am not
sure as to the legalities of this, seems like everyone is on a 'legal' kick
these days. Sad state of affairs.
I will check Danny`s article on the web, but if it is about beetle
pollenation in Dieffenbachia, he published it in a past Aroideana. Good
Must run, so hope that things go well for you in the cold North!
| +More |
Will see what can be done about getting this paper and others online on the
IAS site or elsewhere, but I am certain there are copyright issues so I do
not know if we will be successful.
There's quite a bit of research been done on pollination biology of
Euglossines and orchids. On the IAS web site are some wonderful images and a
aroid pollination study done by Danny Beath. This can be found in the
"pollination" link on left hand menu on the home page.
Donna Atwood<<