-----Original Message-----From: Ron Iles
[mailto:roniles@eircom.net]Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 10:02
AMTo: Multiple recipients of list AROID-LSubject: Re:
Latinamerican Botanical Congress in Cartagena
----- Original Message -----
Dr. Tom
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 8:08
Subject: Latinamerican Botanical
Congress in Cartagena
I have emailed the address you posted on Aroid-L to request that the
Organisers keep me in the picture for the next "News". I hope
this helps. Since Colombia is seemingly a premier place for the genus
I love most, I would request to visit Colombia to observe as many indigenous
species (& other genera) as possible under expert guidance and with
safe passage.
Ron Iles informaci?n
{ HYPERLINK "mailto:congrbot@ciencias.unal.edu.co"
Congreso Latinoamericano de Bot?nicaII Congreso
Colombiano de Bot?nicaDear
Aroiders:I have just gotten a posting from the organizers of the
Eighth Latinamerican Botanical Congress to be held next year in Cartagena in
October (no specific date set yet). Since at our last International Aroid
Conference (the VIII International Aroid Conference which was held here in
St. Louis at the Missouri Botanical
Garden) someone suggested the possibility of having an intervening aroid
conference before the one scheduled at Kew Gardens (which as I recall was
not to be until 2005). The Latinamerican Botanical Congress was mentioned as
a possibility. The reason I am writing now is that if our community wishes
to do this we need to get into the planning of the conference because the
organizers are going to be chosing the quantity, titles and lengths of
conferences to be held. According to the preliminary forms I received our
choices would be a 3 hour or 6 hour conference and If we are to do this I
would suggest the longer format since I don't think that we would have much
trouble filling a 6 hour sequence (recall that we had three full days of
paper sessions at our VIII International Aroid Conference). Clearly,
we would need to get someone in Latin America to be the principal
spokesperson but Simon Mayo, who has close contacts with the Brazilian
researchers or myself who works closely with the Andean researchers, would
probably have to be involved at some stage. I am copying some of the Latin
Americans whom I am not certain are on Aroid-L in this message. Others
without e-mail I will contact separately.As most of you know
Colombia is not currently an easy place to visit, at least as a professional
botanist, owing to their restrictive collecting laws but I am hoping that as
the result of hosting the VIII Latinamerican Botanical Congress they will
make efforts to loosen the restrictions. In any event Cartagena is a lovely
Caribbean port with a unique colonial archtecture and considerable history
so it is a wonderful place to visit. I am sure that regardless of the
restrictions that there will be many local trips planned, no doubt to
include the Serrania de Santa Marta, a place which I am very anxious to see.
I would appreciate any comments any of you might have regarding the
possibility of an aroid conference in Cartagena. I would especially like to
hear back from those of you in Latin America and from Pete Boyce and Simon
Mayo at Kew since I would not want to in any way affect attendance at the
conference in Kew in 2005 (Also please correct me on that date if I am
wrong). Ron Isles. I will try to somehow get you these forms if I
can figure out how they can be reproduced electronically so that you can
have them put into the next Aroid Newsletter. Some of you may want to attend
(as I would) whether we actually have an aroid session or not and you may
wish to send in this preliminary form so that you will be put onto the
mailing list.There is an e-mail address at the head of this message
which can be used to find out more