From: George Yao gcyao at> on 2001.06.01 at 19:08:01(6669)
Hi Eduardo,
In the same website you cited below, there is a page featuring Xanthosoma
maffafa aurea which looked like the Golden Xanthosoma I saw (from memory
only, if you please). Is it the same as the Golden Xanthosoma in the Burle
Marx collection?
George Yao
| +More |
Metro-Manila, Philippines
At 11:19 AM 5/31/01, you wrote:
>Dear aroiders,
> I have checked the marvelous Lester?s site (see the link below) and
> have found that there is a small error at the main page. The plant
> featured there is Xanthosoma atrovirens, not X. violaceum. Despite the
> leaves really LOOK violaceum (i.e. somewhat purplish), most of the aspect
> is given by the combination of the dark green color (i.e. atro - black,
> virens - green) plus the wax effect at the surface (that make it appear
> somewhat blue). However, the petioles are green, and if we could see the
> main ribs below, they would appear green, not purplish. Both species are
> usually confused there in U.S.A., because both are usually sold with the
> same common names. If you want to see a real X. violaceum, take a look at
> Krzysztof?s page in:
> Compare both pictures and you will never confuse them again.
> Still on Xanthosomas, I have seen comments about the "Golden"
> Xanthosoma in this list. I have seen it cultivated here in Brazil and I
> also have some plants in my own collection (Xanthosoma is my favourite
> aroid). The biggest individuals I have seen are cultivated at the Burle
> Marx collection, and they became less golden with age. I have seen even
> flowering individuals there, but I still couldn?t find out what the hell
> is this plant! I am preparing an article ?bout the cultivated Xanthosoma,
> maybe to be submitted to Aroideana 2002, so I HAVE to discover it
> someday! By now, I think it is a form of the common X. sagittifolium, but
> I am not 100% sure. In fact, I am not even 60% sure... Did someone
> mention 40% sure?
> Best wishes,
> Eduardo.
>>From: "Scott Hyndman"
>>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>>Subject: Re: Yautia/Xanthasoma Sprouting
>>Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:08:47 -0500 (CDT)
>>Please take a look at Lest Kallus' and Julius Boos' information at
>> as this may be some of what
>>you are interested in. If it is not, I am happy to help anyone develop such
>>a Web page that you describe, and I am sure that Lester would be happy to
>>add to the excellent informational and image content of his pages.
>>Best regards, Scott
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