From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2001.06.01 at 00:01:35(6656)
Dear Eduardo,
You are probably correct, but IF there are TWO species being sold here as
Yautia (or malanga) lilac, both with purplish rhizomes, both that grow to
look pretty much alike, then what species is the yellow-fleshed tuber,
called 'yautia amarillo', it has a black-skinned tuber, the inner flesh has
a lighter cork-like thick layer around the yellow flesh, has a flavor of
peanut/corn flour when grated and cooked in 'dumplings', or fried as
'acaras'.. We have been refering this one to X. atrovirens. I first saw
this rhizome being used grated and then folded and sealed as a 'covering'
for spiced meat, these 'arepas' would be then deep-fried. The photo was in
a 'Natural History' Mag., street vendor was in the Dominican Republic. The
rhizome has wire-like roots, and is generally sold around Christmas time, a
seasonally popular food? It grows leaves that are typically
Xanthosoma-like, but they have a greyish 'cast', and have more rounded tips
to the leaves lobes. I BELIEVE that Lynn Hannon may have a plant of this
The yellow/gold leaved Xanthosoma sp.that we see here in Florida was said to
have been originally collected somewhere in Central America where it was
being grown as a food-crop.
Best wishs,
| +More |
>>Dear aroiders,
I have checked the marvelous Lester?s site (see the link below) and have
found that there is a small error at the main page. The plant featured there
is Xanthosoma atrovirens, not X. violaceum. Despite the leaves really LOOK
violaceum (i.e. somewhat purplish), most of the aspect is given by the
combination of the dark green color (i.e. atro - black, virens - green) plus
the wax effect at the surface (that make it appear somewhat blue). However,
the petioles are green, and if we could see the main ribs below, they would
appear green, not purplish. Both species are usually confused there in
U.S.A., because both are usually sold with the same common names. If you
want to see a real X. violaceum, take a look at Krzysztof?s page in:
Compare both pictures and you will never confuse them again.
Still on Xanthosomas, I have seen comments about the "Golden"
Xanthosoma in this list. I have seen it cultivated here in Brazil and I also
have some plants in my own collection (Xanthosoma is my favourite aroid).
The biggest individuals I have seen are cultivated at the Burle Marx
collection, and they became less golden with age. I have seen even flowering
individuals there, but I still couldn?t find out what the hell is this
plant! I am preparing an article ?bout the cultivated Xanthosoma, maybe to
be submitted to Aroideana 2002, so I HAVE to discover it someday! By now, I
think it is a form of the common X. sagittifolium, but I am not 100% sure.
In fact, I am not even 60% sure... Did someone mention 40% sure?
Best wishes,
>From: "Scott Hyndman"
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: Re: Yautia/Xanthasoma Sprouting
>Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:08:47 -0500 (CDT)
>Please take a look at Lest Kallus' and Julius Boos' information at
> as this may be some of what
>you are interested in. If it is not, I am happy to help anyone develop
>a Web page that you describe, and I am sure that Lester would be happy to
>add to the excellent informational and image content of his pages.
>Best regards, Scott
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