----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: pH and Golden Xanthosoma
| Hi Ron,
| Been having a hectic time, but probably not as hectic as yours.
| The aroid genus that I have the most species of right now is the
| Amorphophallus, courtesy of Alan, Wilbert, and Ron, plus a few natives I
| have picked up here and there. However, I wouldn't say I specialized in
| Next genus in number of species/varieties is the Alocasia, interest of
| which prompted me to join the Alocasia-only list and to which I contribute
| once in a while. Again, not specialized.
| Then come, in no particular order, Aglaonema, Schismatoglottis,
| Caladium, Raphidophora, Anthurium, Philodendron, Syngonium, Dieffenbachia,
| Epipremnum, Scindapsus, Xanthosoma, Zantedeschia, Typhonium, Taccarum,
| Colocasia, Dracontium, Hapaline, Pseudodracontium, Pycnospatha,
| Cyrtosperma, and, of course, Spathiphyllum, all of which I have from one
| a few species/varieties of. As you can see, I am a jack-of-all-trade when
| it comes to aroids.
| I had been thinking of joining the IAS, but on my first tries joining
| on-line last year, I found some difficulties, so I have procrastinated. I
| guess I'll give it another try this time.
| Re Asian Spaths, I am under the impression there is none here, although in
| a recent field trip I saw feral ones. I just shrugged them off as being
| naturalized, perhaps introduced a long time ago. Or perhaps, it's a case
| mistaken identity?! I'll be glad to help in whatever way I can.
| George Yao
| Metro-Manila, Philippines
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