From: George Yao gcyao at> on 2001.05.31 at 17:23:43(6640)
Hi Ron,
Been having a hectic time, but probably not as hectic as yours.
The aroid genus that I have the most species of right now is the
Amorphophallus, courtesy of Alan, Wilbert, and Ron, plus a few natives I
have picked up here and there. However, I wouldn't say I specialized in it.
Next genus in number of species/varieties is the Alocasia, interest of
which prompted me to join the Alocasia-only list and to which I contribute
once in a while. Again, not specialized.
Then come, in no particular order, Aglaonema, Schismatoglottis, Homalomena,
Caladium, Raphidophora, Anthurium, Philodendron, Syngonium, Dieffenbachia,
Epipremnum, Scindapsus, Xanthosoma, Zantedeschia, Typhonium, Taccarum,
Colocasia, Dracontium, Hapaline, Pseudodracontium, Pycnospatha,
Cyrtosperma, and, of course, Spathiphyllum, all of which I have from one to
a few species/varieties of. As you can see, I am a jack-of-all-trade when
it comes to aroids.
I had been thinking of joining the IAS, but on my first tries joining
on-line last year, I found some difficulties, so I have procrastinated. I
guess I'll give it another try this time.
Re Asian Spaths, I am under the impression there is none here, although in
a recent field trip I saw feral ones. I just shrugged them off as being
naturalized, perhaps introduced a long time ago. Or perhaps, it's a case of
mistaken identity?! I'll be glad to help in whatever way I can.
George Yao
| +More |
Metro-Manila, Philippines
At 09:33 PM 5/30/01, you wrote:
>Hi, George!
>I'm the News Editor of the IAS. What aroids do you specialise in? You
>probably know I'm specialise in Spathiphyllum, later again in Cryptocoryne,
>Lagenandra and Anubias. Are you a member of the new Alocasia discussion
>Group of IAS. Are you a member of IAS? If not, PLEASE join and support,
>the future is going to be the most BRILLIANT and you should see it all
>happening! There are already 500 global Members, a great group of folks,
>you couldn't find better, the more experienced are a joy and all so willing
>to help! We need more Asian support!! How about buying Asian Spaths or...?
>Lots of fine Filipina nurses here in rural Ireland. email Aroid L or
>Best Wishes
>Ron Iles (Ireland)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "George Yao"
>To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
>Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 3:45 AM
>Subject: pH and Golden Xanthosoma
>| Hi everyone,
>| When adding potassium hydroxide (KOH) to the GA and water mixture, you
>| surely get a pH higher than 7. As you add more KOH, the pH goes higher.
>| With the small amount of GA needed, you'll probably not need much KOH and
>| your pH probably won't get over 8. It takes
>| All these talk of Xanthosoma reminded me of the golden Xanthosoma a friend
>| showed me. Since I'm not very well-versed with Xanthosoma, is it a species
>| or is it just a variety of a species or is it a hybrid?
>| George Yao
>| Metro-Manila, Philippines