From: "Alan Galloway" alan_galloway at> on 2001.05.29 at 02:20:21(6590)
Subject: Various Minimum Temperatures
> Is there a listing somewhere that of minimum temperatures required by the
> various species of Amorphophallus? I am trying to find out which are the
> tropical varieties and which will take frosts etc.
Paul, off the IAS web site, check out the list of hardy aroids,
> I know that varieties
> like bulbifer and konjac are fine in frost, but what others are?
Here in Raleigh, NC, USA, USDA-zone#7, the following are also
cold hardy:
Amorphophallus napalensis
Amorphophallus odoratus
I'm testing/will be testing the following for cold-hardiness:
Amorphophallus henryii
Amorphophallus kisusianus
Amorphophallus albus
> I am also after similar temperature information for Alocasias, Colocasias,
> Typhoniums and Xanthosoma species. I was reading back through some of the
> stuff that I've saved regarding aroids and noticed that one person in Zone
> 5 mentioned that Typhonium giganteum was hardy there (I assume dormant in
> winter?) so there are obviously some varieties that take the cold.
It is extremely cold hardy, as is Typhonium roxburghii (formerly T.