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  RE: News from what remains of the Jungle
From: Floral Artistry jjingram at pacbell.net> on 2001.05.18 at 16:16:39(6520)
I think you have lost part of the equation here. Millions of plants are gone
because people have become indignant and will not allow material to be wild
collected. Millions of acres are slashed and burned every hour. You should
read into this "burned" as being completely unavailable to anyone but God.
There is no way we can bring this material back. The Brazilian government
has adapted a red line law that is emphatic about wild material. They can
not get it through their thick heads about the fact that it is their own
ignorance that is destroying these plants.
They need to adapt a collection and preserve mentality to at least remove
plants after the trees have been slashed and move the material to growing
facilities and grown on and when strong enough, sell to the world market.
I'm not talking "white gringo greed" here. I'm talking practical solutions
to save the very same plants you would like to have.
And, just for your info, if it were not for greedy collectors in the early
part of last century, Your garden would be a very boring thing. You would
have none of the foods you enjoy, none of the trees you enjoy and none of
the medications you so seem to think are the result of greed. Many of these
medications have saved millions of lives a year. I do not agree with the way
they are marketed and marked up unnecessarily but the fact remains that we
have them.
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