From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at> on 2001.05.18 at 16:15:40(6519)
Howdy Again All,
Having received the somewhat abrupt response that you saw on the list
today, I wondered what the hell I'd done to offend Ray! I actually knew of
no response that I received on the Arisaema-L so it came as a complete
suprise to me that it sounded like Ray had sent such a response. I can't
say I particularly like being told to Naff Off in public, particularly when
I was completely in teh dark as to why I was being told off.
Around the time I posted my original query to the Arisaema-L I was going
through the process of changing email provider so obviously some went
astray. I had no idea that there had been any mail lost. THANKFULLY there
were archives or I'd still be wondering what I'd done to piss Ray off.
I found the following email (and a couple of others I didn't receive I
might add) in the archives and I really thought it worth posting here (in
case there are prospective IAS members who are not on Arisaema-L who might
want to see a pretty good summary of why it is worth joining a society).
To those of you who already read this on Arisaema-L you can go ahead and
delete this message now, but I hope someone might like to read it. I think
it is a pretty good reasoning for joining the IAS (and in fact if I HAD
read this before I never would have needed to ask further).
Paul Tyerman
| +More |
Canberra, Australia
******************** RAY'S MESSAGE TO ARISAEMA-L ************************
The journal "Aroideana" is worth the dues, but you're asking the wrong
To paraphrase a famous U.S. President,
Ask not what IAS can do for you, ask what you can do for IAS.
The whole complex of web sites, discussion list, Seedex, Archives full of
information on Arisaema would never have happened if a few of us had
the idea of AEG from the point of view of what will it do for me. Rather
we wanted to
share our knowledge, seeds, ideas, and love of Arisaema with all who
enjoy them.
Likewise, IAS is designed as a vehicle for sharing your interest in other
with others. One of the reasons that Arisaema-L, unlike Aroid-L, is a
closed list
is to insure that members are willing to contribute of themselves to the
Perhaps this isn't the best way to do it, but somehow we have to get
to realize that an organization is only as good as the members
contributions to it.
So join IAS and contribute to it's newsletter and journal even if, like
me, you can't attend
the meetings in Florida. Perhaps we can add to mankind's knowledge of
Aroids, even
if in a small way, but surely we can support those who devote their lives
to Aroids
and need a central place to publish the knowledge they acquire.