----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: ok! it time for a new topic! whos going to the aroid show in
| OK,ok,OK, people lets move on to a better topic! Enough of what could
| should have, My computer cant take any more negative e-mail :)
| Just to let everyone know there are some good deals on airlines tickets
| out there right now! I just got two tickets for the Sept show for $170.00
| each, that's cheap when your up here in Minnesota, and with the cost of
| going up, who knows what it will be buy then? Fuel just dropped in price
| here today from $1.90 a gallon to $1.69 ! what's it going for in your
| The wife is coming along this time so I have a extra set of arms to carry
| stuff back. So I better start saving up for that auction! now that I have
| idea of what stuff goes for. Well yesterday it was 95 up here been moving
| plants out side as fast as I can, With my luck it will probably Hail or
| something.
| jeff,
| "the bad speller"
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ron Iles"
| To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
| Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 10:15 AM
| Subject: IAS 2001 Newletters
| > Dear Folks,
| >
| > I was requested to be the next Editor of the Newsletter. I am a very
| recent
| > blow-in returning to Arums. I DO need a little time to get into focus.
| > Above all I need to find out what you would most want AND need to read
| > the Newsletter as a adjunct to Aroideana, that magnificent arena of
| on-going
| > Aroid knowledge. From my reading and writing in Aroid L which is for
| > non-members and Members, I feel that some of the kinds of information
| there
| > could be pulled together and impacted for the Newsletter. Otherwise the
| > wisdom of little things could be drowned in mighty noise and dimly
| > remembered & relatively inaccessible to posterity. To take an
| > example would it not be good if Craig's colourful reports and photos of
| > Titan were pulled togethe as one in the IAS files not just dispersed and
| > intermittent with rude interruptions from the envious like me in Aroid
| > I would greatly like a vibrant section on Rain Forests, POSITIVE as well
| as
| > negative reports including visiting, collecting and the sheer wonder of
| > being THERE? Could we gazette and promote the Jungle Nature Centres
| found
| > to best for our Group? Maybe you will kindly suggest stimulating topic
| > sections and offer short palatable articles. Master Julius cooks for
| > and so many others add spice and flavour and new ingredients. Some
| seeming
| > high on hallucinogens but really only euphorically passionate have
| > into poetry and lyrical hyperbole. The newsletter should be readable,
| > informative, helpful, stimulating, memorable fun. It is a shame to
| > what we have in the dust of just Aroid L. Most of you write very well.
| > Let's put the best of what is said together and make "News"! People
| > to be able to read without only going through countless disjointed email
| > CHAT in Aroid L. Aroid L is great! People talk good to each other
| > they don't seem to write things generally which you can everybody can
| > DEVOUR. I would like to see the very best (for the moment) duplicated
| for,
| > expanded, and diverted to the Newsletter PLEASE!
| >
| > A Quarterly News Letter has to be formal and contrived. A lot of
| > spontaneity, inspiration and passion may be lost? We need to have at
| least
| > a monthly one which gathers peoples thoughts and feelings together and
| makes
| > our joints jump.
| >
| > If virtually all of us have or BUY Internet Access, would it be good to
| have
| > an IAS Newsletter web site or the Newsletter sent to the email address
| > each Member to download in FULL COLOUR? This is the decade when the PC
| > takes over the AUDIO VISUAL. Printing is a slow arduous old fahioned
| grind.
| > A Newsletter can be glorious and later be HEARD as WELL as seen.
| > Howler Monkeys and Arapaima gulps in the background to photos and video
| > the most beautiful plants I know...) From recent salutory experience
| > e-smelly might be need for to be censored by the obviously unbiased
| > editor...
| > If we all got access to the Web then through the Editors Spath Desk an
| > ENewsletter would facilitate, the most intense interaction beyond that
| > normally possible with snail mail.
| >
| > I have a range of hard copies of past Newsletters (and Aroideana
| obviously).
| > So I'm analysing these to prepare a rough list from which to evolve
| > "Sections" for future Newsletters
| > and this will follow in a day or so. Meanwhile please give me positive
| > positive positive ideas, not what we SHOULDN'T do!!!!!!!! Ideas which
| > follow and hopefully someyimes enhance the best traditions and standards
| of
| > the IAS and Aroideana.
| >
| > Incidentally, if anyone wants to understand why I adore Spathiphyllum
| > especially, after finding my first life changing plant, I rapidly
| > Dr, Birdsey's "Cultivated Aroids" and it is still absolutely new. Wow,
| the
| > few Spaths in there blew my hat into the creek as Dewey I think said in
| > newsletter about John Bantas photos! Has anyone a Report of John's last
| > road show PLEASE? Does anyone have an affordable Exotica IV. By the
| way,
| > a few Tropica are now available in US at $165 plus insured post. If
| > email me I can reserve for you to buy DIRECT on Credit Card if you have
| them
| > in the Second World.
| >
| > More later plus replies to the other 25 emails outstanding!!!! Please
| make
| > allowances and don't brew up a storm if the News is more than a month
| > or so delayed. WE must make it really worth it, a great leap into the
| > future for Aroid kind.
| >
| > EdyRon
| >
| >
| >