From: "Jeff&jodi Rosenstiel" jjjj at> on 2001.05.17 at 04:57:49(6487)
OK,ok,OK, people lets move on to a better topic! Enough of what could have,
should have, My computer cant take any more negative e-mail :)
Just to let everyone know there are some good deals on airlines tickets
out there right now! I just got two tickets for the Sept show for $170.00
each, that's cheap when your up here in Minnesota, and with the cost of fuel
going up, who knows what it will be buy then? Fuel just dropped in price up
here today from $1.90 a gallon to $1.69 ! what's it going for in your area?
The wife is coming along this time so I have a extra set of arms to carry
stuff back. So I better start saving up for that auction! now that I have a
idea of what stuff goes for. Well yesterday it was 95 up here been moving
plants out side as fast as I can, With my luck it will probably Hail or
"the bad speller"
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: IAS 2001 Newletters
> Dear Folks,
> I was requested to be the next Editor of the Newsletter. I am a very
> blow-in returning to Arums. I DO need a little time to get into focus.
> Above all I need to find out what you would most want AND need to read in
> the Newsletter as a adjunct to Aroideana, that magnificent arena of
> Aroid knowledge. From my reading and writing in Aroid L which is for
> non-members and Members, I feel that some of the kinds of information
> could be pulled together and impacted for the Newsletter. Otherwise the
> wisdom of little things could be drowned in mighty noise and dimly
> remembered & relatively inaccessible to posterity. To take an outstanding
> example would it not be good if Craig's colourful reports and photos of
> Titan were pulled togethe as one in the IAS files not just dispersed and
> intermittent with rude interruptions from the envious like me in Aroid L?
> I would greatly like a vibrant section on Rain Forests, POSITIVE as well
> negative reports including visiting, collecting and the sheer wonder of
> being THERE? Could we gazette and promote the Jungle Nature Centres
> to best for our Group? Maybe you will kindly suggest stimulating topic
> sections and offer short palatable articles. Master Julius cooks for us
> and so many others add spice and flavour and new ingredients. Some
> high on hallucinogens but really only euphorically passionate have merged
> into poetry and lyrical hyperbole. The newsletter should be readable,
> informative, helpful, stimulating, memorable fun. It is a shame to lose
> what we have in the dust of just Aroid L. Most of you write very well.
> Let's put the best of what is said together and make "News"! People want
> to be able to read without only going through countless disjointed email
> CHAT in Aroid L. Aroid L is great! People talk good to each other but
> they don't seem to write things generally which you can everybody can
> DEVOUR. I would like to see the very best (for the moment) duplicated
> expanded, and diverted to the Newsletter PLEASE!
> A Quarterly News Letter has to be formal and contrived. A lot of
> spontaneity, inspiration and passion may be lost? We need to have at
> a monthly one which gathers peoples thoughts and feelings together and
> our joints jump.
> If virtually all of us have or BUY Internet Access, would it be good to
> an IAS Newsletter web site or the Newsletter sent to the email address of
> each Member to download in FULL COLOUR? This is the decade when the PC
> takes over the AUDIO VISUAL. Printing is a slow arduous old fahioned
> A Newsletter can be glorious and later be HEARD as WELL as seen. (Imagine
> Howler Monkeys and Arapaima gulps in the background to photos and video of
> the most beautiful plants I know...) From recent salutory experience SOME
> e-smelly might be need for to be censored by the obviously unbiased
> editor...
> If we all got access to the Web then through the Editors Spath Desk an
> ENewsletter would facilitate, the most intense interaction beyond that
> normally possible with snail mail.
> I have a range of hard copies of past Newsletters (and Aroideana
> So I'm analysing these to prepare a rough list from which to evolve
> "Sections" for future Newsletters
> and this will follow in a day or so. Meanwhile please give me positive
> positive positive ideas, not what we SHOULDN'T do!!!!!!!! Ideas which
> follow and hopefully someyimes enhance the best traditions and standards
> the IAS and Aroideana.
> Incidentally, if anyone wants to understand why I adore Spathiphyllum
> especially, after finding my first life changing plant, I rapidly acquired
> Dr, Birdsey's "Cultivated Aroids" and it is still absolutely new. Wow,
> few Spaths in there blew my hat into the creek as Dewey I think said in a
> newsletter about John Bantas photos! Has anyone a Report of John's last
> road show PLEASE? Does anyone have an affordable Exotica IV. By the
> a few Tropica are now available in US at $165 plus insured post. If you
> email me I can reserve for you to buy DIRECT on Credit Card if you have
> in the Second World.
> More later plus replies to the other 25 emails outstanding!!!! Please
> allowances and don't brew up a storm if the News is more than a month more
> or so delayed. WE must make it really worth it, a great leap into the
> future for Aroid kind.
> EdyRon