From: "Craig Allen" callen at> on 2001.05.14 at 23:49:30(6447)
All hell has broken loose here. Since I got to work this morning I have been
interviewed by local Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 10, BBC London, Miami Herald again,
Lauderdale's Sun Sentinel. I'm pooped.
We improved the web cam a bit.
I swear (and I don't) It looks like it is preparing to open. Every 30
minutes you can see a definite change. I'm beginning to think that it might
be sooner than later, but the heat (it is hot) might be encouraging it. The
cool air tonight could slow it down. I feel like an expectant father,
freaking out at any change. The media circus has gotten me in a lather.
Tension is mounting... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Just before I sent this e-mail I went out and looked and it has opened more
in the last few minutes. In places the spathe is 3 to 4 inches from the
spadix. Still there is no strong fragrance. I think I detect a hint of odor
but my co-workers think I'm freaking. The Garden has decided to stay open
until 7PM for the next several days.
Craig M. Allen
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