----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: Visit to PDN...
> Thanks Craig for the updates...I only wish I were passing through Miami
> sometime soon. I was lucky enough to pass by Raleigh this weekend past
> on my way from recovering my son's college stuff back to home. Lucky
> it was open house at Plant Delights. Several A. konjac were in stately
> in the Juniper Level garden by the gazebo--a thoroughly delightful garden
> I might add. I didn't think the smell bad at all, though my mother,
> with me, disagreed. Numerous Arisaemae dotted the woodland floor. In the
> nursery I found out how well the name fits--each house held a new
> of treasures. I picked up as many as I could carry--blooming A.
> and kiusianum Makino and several non-aroids. The real treasure, however,
> was a Dracunculus vulgaris in bud. I worried for the remaining 7 hours
> of the trip that it would bloom in the car and get me in real trouble with
> my mother. Every little scent of a passing paper factory got us worried.
> However, it is now safely in the garden where I only have to worry that
> it will bloom while I am traveling this next week and asphyxiate my wife
> and sons. I'm not sure how long the bloom lasts, but it appears a few
> days from opening; perhaps I can pollinate it and get some seed...
> Great show, Tony!
> Clear skies,
> Al