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  Re: Help please...
From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.05.07 at 14:25:50(6381)
Didnt I ask this same question about a dozen times with no response?

Well maybe someone will respond to "Mr. Jackson's" and I can only hope to benefit from it. (Dewey, Tim, you let me down on this one :-)

I do however think I may have solved it. On plants that were doing this, I went to a violently light mix using anywhere from 50+ % of pearlite with peat and composted pine bark. I am convinced it is a function of too much water.. These plants transpire like crazy and every morning they have drops of water on the tips of the leaflets....The water may be burning the tip of the leaf when the sunlight is on it...or maybe it is a function of deposited mineral salts from fertilizer sitting on the tips via transpiration. Anyway after repotting, and growing them like air plants, they seem to be improving. Bottom line.... let that soil DRY out... it seems to be finally working for me.

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