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Alocasia 'Portodora'
From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2001.05.06 at 03:21:43(6378)
I hope I spelled this cultivar correctly. I've seen it spelled
at least a couple of different ways. Anyway it's the cross
between A. portei and A. odora. I had a plant that for some
reason last year, the main growth point died and then the plant
just sat there for a couple of months. Then I noticed a few
small growths coming up around it by last Fall. I overwintered
it in a friend's greenhouse as I didn't want to risk losing it.
I've checked on it periodically and noticed the new leaves
developing and decided to take it home today as our weather is
finally warming up. I hadn't paid too much attention to how many
shoots there was but it was looking crowded. I decided to
separate and repot it and check on the health of the original
tuber. On separating it, I discovered that I had seventeen
plants growing in that pot! I also noticed that this cross
appears to be somewhat stoloniferous as I found a couple that
were developing small tubers some distance away from the main
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The big original corm appeared to be quite healthy, although
minus the main growth point. In fact, it appeared as if it had
been cut straight off with a knife and had healed over. There
was a number of buds developing up and down the side of the tuber
so I also repotted it for some additional plants hopefully. I
really thought I was in trouble when the old growth point died
but now I'm rather thankful that it did! Has anyone else had
experience with this cultivar? I've got the only one that I've
ever seen and no one else in this area is growing it. I've had
very little luck finding out how to grow it except by trial and
error. I do know that it can be overwintered dormant in a dry
state and still regenerate the following Spring. Anyone care to
David A. Sizemore
Aloha Flower Company
~ The Best Hawaiian Tropicals Farm-Direct to You ~
Serving Florists and Corporate/Hospitality Accounts
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