From: "Ron Iles" roniles at> on 2001.05.01 at 14:28:17(6336)
Dear Craig,
In spite of my wry Spathiphyllum orientated humour I must congratulate
you for your wonderful dedication and enthusiasm for your extra-ordinary
flowerings of Amorphophallus and effusive descriptions. Truly - Wonderful,
your vital
communications to Aroid L even made me want to fly over to see Barnum's
(sorry Dr. Craig Allen's)greatest Natural Show on Earth! Great Publicity
for Great Fairchild!
Keep up the brilliant work!
Best Wishes
Ron Iles
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:47 PM
Subject: Titan Watch 4/30/2001
| Monday 4/30/2001. The Amorphophallus titanium inflorescence is 32.5 inches
| today. The bract is still clinging around the inflorescence but more and
| more of the beautiful folded spathe is showing by the hour. Still haven't
| gotten the display set up around it like I want, but it is on view in the
| area behind the epiphyte room. Our Marketing department will be swinging
| into action this week to get an audience for "Mr. Stinky", our botanical
| star.
| The spadix toppled on the A. gigas over the weekend, but a second much
| smaller one is going to bloom. It might be at about the time of the Titan.
| Anchomanes hookeri has a number of open inflorescence and new leaves, just
| watch out for the wicked spines.
| I have 2 different collections of A. bulbifer about to open. It might not
| the rarest species, but the pink inflorescence is really beautiful.
| The prolific Pseudodracontiums are all popping up with blooms and flowers
| both.
| As Julius mentioned, the Dracontiums are beginning to emerge. So far just
| foliage at the top of the beautifully patterned petioles.
| Speaking of petioles, the Aroid sp. that Bogner identified as Xanthosoma
| sect. Acontias is up. The reticulated petiole looks like a beautiful snake
| skin. Also the Amorphophallus eichleri has a really beautiful pattern of
| beige/pink/green mottling on the petiole that flows beautifully up the
| veins of the lobed leaf.
| Stay tuned for more of the greatest natural show on earth.
| Craig M. Allen
| Conservatory Manager
| Fairchild Tropical Garden
| 10901 Old Cutler Road
| Coral Gables(Miami), Florida, USA 33156-4296
| Tel. 305-667-1651 ext. 3320
| Fax 305-661-8953
| e-mail
| web: