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  Re: Panama Aroids.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.04.30 at 23:21:52(6332)
Good for you Neil!

There are three species recorded from there, according to the literature, D.
spruceanum, D. soconoscum and D. grayumianum. All are the smaller species,
about 6' (2 mt) tall, not giants like D. gigas and D. piterrii. D.
soconoscum has a small cowl-shaped spathe born at ground-level, no visible
peduncle, while D. spruceanum has a tall (30"/1 mt ?) peduncle with a
24"/.50 mt) boat-shaped spathe on top. D. grayumianum can not be
distinguished from D. soconuscum except by the shape and form of their quite
different seeds!!
There will also be (as members of the tuberous Aroids) species of Xanthosoma
and Caladium!!!
Good luck to all---


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