-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Date: Monday, April 30, 2001 9:39 AM
Subject: Panama again
Dear all,
esp. Julius Boos,
below you find a request that I mailed a few weeks ago. Getting no reply so
I already thought that there are no tuberous aroids in Central Amercica
my ingnorance from which you see that I am still a novice in aroid
>From the enthuseastic mail from Julius Boos about Fairchild Gardens I
that this obviously is not the case; or is Panama just the wrong place for
So again: Is there any chance to find something like D. pitterii or
gigas in Panama and get it to Germany ???
(Still) Any suggestion highly appreciated!
StroWi schrieb:
> Dear all,
> my sister is going to Panama.
> Are there any tuberous aroids in Panama which she can send to Germany. (I
> guess
> that taking them with her is difficult, since she travels back via the
> An suggestion where to get or purchase something is highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bernhard.
> StroWi@t-online is:
> Bernhard Strolka
> Alte Dorfstr. 33A
> 31311 Uetze/ OT Dollbergen
> Germany