From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2001.04.28 at 13:48:33(6297)
Dear Bruno,
Before we 'leave' this unanswered question as to the ID of the
Amorphophallus sp. you collected in Africa, just a FEW more words--
1) WHERE in Africa did you collect it??
2) There are rare African species that are pictured in 'Lord Phallus''
(Wilbert H.'s) work on this genus in Aroideana Vol. 19 of 1996, do you have
a copy, or perhaps a friend or fellow member in Germany/Europe could send
you one, or if you send me your mailing address I could send you copies of
the photos of these species, some of which are very rare, and yours may be
one of these, especially since you say the inflor. did NOT have a
constriction in the spathe`s lover 'zone'.
[Aroideana Vol. 19 is for sale from the IAS in Miami, by the way! I
HIGHLY recomend it to all you 'Amorphophiles' out there!!!]
Good luck,
Julius Boos
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>>Dear Aroiders
many thanks for your response. Unfortunately at the time I'm not able to
provide you with a pic,
means I'm the living proof that life without a dig-cam still exists.
Superficial it looks like Deweys pictures but without any constriction
and a longer appendix.
I hope to be ready when it will flower the next time, for now it's on
the way to fade, leaving only it's particular odour in my office.