From: Paul Tyerman tyerman at> on 2001.04.25 at 04:29:14(6264)
Howdy All,
I was asking a while back about identification of Amorph abyssinicus and
was told pretty much that having it in Australia would be rather unlikely.
I have a couple more questions if I may.......
I think I was told that Amorph ab. is stoloniferus which I'm assuming to
mean that the stolons head out, produce tubers and then completely
shrivel... leaving these little bulbs that appear to be a way from the
plant. Does A. konjac do this as well?
Whatever I have as A. abyssinicus is definitely stoloniferus..... producing
three little tubers at the edge of the pot this year (I lifted as soon as
died off and saw the evidence on the main tuber and the little tubers of
some connection between them).
The main difference between the tow (abyssinicus and kojac) is that the
abyss. has already died down, while konjac is still fully green and
healthy. I have a couple of plants of both, plus a friend has both (we got
them from the same supplier and the konjac was a piece from some that was
given to me). Now the friend's plants have done exactly the same thing,
with abyss. gone already and konjac still growing. My two plants of abyss
are in two different areas, one in pot and one in ground and they have both
died off at the same time. The ones that have already died down collapsed
very quickly, going from healthy to gone in less than two weeks. Through
this the konjac has remained green and healthy looking.
Do different clones of konjac go dormant at different times or does this
help to identify that my A. abyssinicus IS actually something different
from konjac (whterh it IS what it is labelled or not). They looked pretty
much the same in growth to me, although perhaps slight differences in
markings on stem (although not BIG difference).
I'm just trying to find out whether I do actually have two different things
or whether they are the same thing.
Any information would be helpful.
Paul Tyerman