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  Re: Oh NO! Spider Mites!
From: "Nyles" metopium at hotmail.com> on 2001.04.21 at 18:28:47(6235)
>From my posted message it would seem that I'm fighting the desert.

The plants are fairly enclosed, with a 4+ foot wall in front and the house I
rent on the other 3 sides. There is also an overhang about 2 ft above the
wall and covering all the plants. I wet down the outdoor carpet at least
twice a day to try and get some ambient humidity.

That's how I should have started my post....oops!

Now, in addition to this, I have all my "skunk cabbages" on trays of water.

PLEASE tell me I've redeemed myself in the eyes of my fellow aroiders

Really, thanks to all for the help!


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