----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: donderdag 29 maart 2001 18:53
Subject: Pink flowered Spathiphyllum
> This is not a sequel to the stampedes for the multisplendoured Suwanee
> leprechaun and the only known variegated Travellers Fan. However, I
> the leprechaun and the Fan all the very best and hope both can be tissue
> cultured and have un-naturally bright grandchildren.
> There is rumour of a PINK FLOWERED Spathiphyllum in Central America. If
> it exists, perhaps like the Suwanee leprechaun, it may not be what one
> thinks at all but another plant kind strayed from its childhood home.
> anyone should come looking I report also that Spathiphyllum is not wild in
> rain blessed Ireland but this may not be the case within a few ozone rich
> years. Then, the Isle is no longer Emerald, anything but green
> leprechauns and Fans may be so common that they do not causestampedes.
> Since most Spathiphyllums look much the same dressed in their obvious
> and white, a new fashion could be desirable. Has anyone SEEN a pink
> flowered Peace Lily, a Spathiphyllum I mean?
> Best Wishes to all other Greens
> Ron of the Green Isle