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Re: Suwannee Laboratories address
From: "Gabe Thomas" CDANIELLE at prodigy.net> on 2001.03.29 at 00:50:10(6105)
> Only one reflection about this alocasia,if the country of origin is
> really dout
| +More |
> that it in an alocasia!For what i know ,this genus is not present in
> America;Of course for what i know
> regards to all
> Dany
The plants weren't collected in the wild. Don said the Brazilian government
does not issue collecting permits for the wild because they feel they've
been exploited by the pharmaceutical companies. Obtaining plants from
nurseries and land owners is legal though. Collecting plants from people's
gardens and landscapes seems like a great way to find plants of ornamental
value because the plants have likely been selected for aesthetics and they
would be proven to grow in cultivation. Such plants could be native, having
been collected by locals, but they also could have originated from a nursery
that imported them.
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