Arisaema Source:
Madan Tamang
4 Dr. Zakir Hussain Road
Darjeeling 734 101
West Bengal, India
Tel: (0354) 2698
FAX: 0354-54330
A new nursery that opened last summer. They also organize treks and
travels in this area (Darjeeling, E Nepal, Sikkim).
All prices in U.S. dollars.
Seed: Corms:
A. concinnum 2.00 2.00
A. consanguineum 2.00 2.00
A. costatum ----- 3.00
A. echinatum ----- 3.00
A. echinatum ----- 3.00
A. erubescens 2.00 3.00
A. exappendiculatum ----- 4.00
A. flavum ----- 5.00
A. galeatum 2.00 3.00
A. griffithii 1.00 2.50
A. intermedium 2.00 2.50
A. jacquemontii 2.00 3.00
A. nepenthoides 1.00 2.00
A. ochraceum = A nepenthoides 1.00 2.50
A. ostiolatum 3.00 3.00
A. propinquum ----- 3.00
A. speciosum 1.00 2.00
A. tortuosum 2.00 2.00
A. utile = A. verrucosum v. utile ----- 1.00
A. verrucosum 3.00 3.00
A. vexillatum ----- 3.00
There are 10 to 12 seed per packet..
For tubers you must supply an IMPORT PERMIT, a consignment letter,
and 50% advance payment. Some European countries do not require an
Import Permit. A consignment letter is just a letter ordering the
An Import permit is not required for seed.
Postage, packing, and forwarding charges are extra as applicable.
A. flavum will not be shipped until next season. Orders for tubers must
reach the nursery by the month of June. Corms are dispatched
You will note that quite a few unusual species are offered.
Madan offers a catalog which includes other Himalayan plants.
Although I have no personal experience with this supplier, Arisaema
expert Guy Gusman found both their seed and corms to be satisfactory
when he received them last fall. But, up to now, he has not been able to
identify them as they are still dormant.
Guy uses their FAX for communication and paid by means of International
Money Order. He suggests getting a complete price including packing and
shipping before
paying to avoid the unnecessary costs associated with two payments.
Avoid a check included in an envelope. Mail is often erratic in India:
FAX and
direct bank transfers usually work well.
Mailing costs were high because Madan used a private and very quick
it was the KLM (Dutch Flight Company). All corms were in perfect
when Guy received them in Brussels. Tony Avent recommends using Priority
Of couese these recommendations are for Belguim or the USA.