seed without manual fertilization. I am aware of at least two Anthurium spp.
that often generate seed thusly - A. clarinervium & A. papillilaminum.
Surely, there are many more.
With regard to Claude Sweet's comment - it is worth noting that both of
these Anthuriums have been utilized by aroid hybridizers for some time, and
that the former species is suspected of being one of the parents of A.
leuconeurum. I have manually pollinated both of the above, and have
generated viable seed either way. >>
Apomixis is a very complicated subject with many variations in natural
manifestation. Typically the subject species/clone can create viable ovules
without "outside" genetic influence. One of the best studied and classic
examples is Hosta ventricosa. The seed-grown offspring are essentially clones
of the mother.
If I read your posting correctly, you emphasize dependency on "manual
fertilization" which has nothing to do with apomixis. Most will have heard of
"parthenogenesis" and it is typically apomixis from an unreduced gamete
identical to the mother's tissue. There are many variations and the subject
has an interesting bibliography.
The reason the apomicts in question could in fact have been used in
hybridization is that their pollen is usually fertile and the apomict can be
used as the pollen parent. If the cross is attempted in reverse, GENERALLY
the apomict's ovule would not accept the pollen's genetic contribution (be
warned; exceptions are known!).
Hope this slightly clears the murky water". :-)
Jim Langhammer