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Re: callas, Z. aethiopica in particular
From: Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 2000.11.11 at 19:09:09(5673)
George R Stilwell, Jr. writes:
> I looked up the notes and it was called 'Hercules Brother' because Dan
> wasn't positive that it was 'Hercules'. I was hoping for a 6' specimen,
> would settle for 4', but actually got 1.5'.
I was among those getting a 'Hercules' a few years back. I wasn't sure it
would do well outside so I kept it with my orchids the first year. It just
got smaller and smaller. I guess it wanted more light than the fluorescents
produced. Now it is outside by the Chesapeake and seems to
be surviving but is still in the process of coming back--about a foot tall
I guess. In the bed with it are a couple of Callas which are doing
spectacularly well. The soil in Deltaville is very sandy.
Clear skies,
| +More |
|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
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