Pflanzenr. 4, 23 Dc: 63 (1915). Type based on Gard. Chron. 27: 755, fig.
153 (1890) of
Z. aethiopica "Little Gem" -- var. umganiensis Leicht. & Engl. in
Pflanzenr. 4, 23 Dc: 64 (1915).
Type: Natal, Howick Falls, 1899, Nelson.
However, it is never mentioned again even in the Natal section under
aethiopica. She does say that
hybrids of aethiopica are seldom if ever found in the wild because of the
geographic separation from
other species. The variety is not included in her Key.
But the genus was revised again by Singh and later he added a new
species. Itt's the latest revision.
Z. aethiopica is not mentioned in the second paper where he deals with
the Z. albomaculata complex
leading to the recognition of Z. valida as a species.
The earlier Singh paper is a graphic Key and guide to the species
complete with leaf shape
silhouettes and color photos of the plants. No mention is made of vars.
He does offer these references:
The Letty which I mentioned before.
Muller, T. 1993. New Zealand callas grown for the worlds great floral
artists: statistics update.
Calla News 9, 37-38.
Perry, P.L. 1989. A new species of Zantedeschia from the western Cape.
S.A.J.of Bot. 55 (4), 447-51.
L.H. Bailey, in the Cyclopedia, says: Z. aethiopica var. minor, Eng.
(Richardia nana compacta)
'Little Gem' (fig. 4031) Like the type, but only 1--16 inches high;
spathes 3-4 in. long.
Var. devoniensis. (R. devoniensis), Dwarf; freer bloomer than 'Little
Gem' and more fragrant.
There are a number of hort names that are latin - and he names a few.
There's also Z. aethiopica 'Childsiana' which is described in Hortus III
as dwarf and very floriferous.
It's available from Oregon Bulbs. But they were out of them when we
ordered last spring.
Not much help, but a bit here and there.
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