From: Paul Tyerman tyerman at> on 2000.10.15 at 04:58:05(5558)
This is the colour of the flower, not the effect as the flower ages.
According to the owner she thought all along that it was just a leaf and
then suddenly realised that it was a flower instead. Then the second
flower emerged and matched it. Exactly the same colour as the leaf. Has
never been any other colour. The spadix in the one I opened out was still
fresh, rather than aged or setting seed. Still had pollen on it, so it
certainly wasn't an "old" flower.
I have no way of accessing either of the documents that you mentioned, nor
would I know where to look.
The plot thickens eh?
Paul Tyerman
| +More |
(Canberra, Australia)
At 08:42 14/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Did you watch the flowers develop? Many Zantedeschia have inflorescences
>that match
>your description as the flower matures. For species in section Aestivae,
>the entire
>spathe turns leaf-green and the spathe furls tightly, and there is often
>a whitish patch at the interior base. The next step is for the flowering
>stem to bend downward until the inflorescence touches the ground.
>Both ssp. of Z. albomaculata, Z. elliotiana, Z. jucunda, Z. pentlandii,
>Z. rehmanii, and Z. valida
>comprise this section.
>You'd could have a new hort. variety if the green color is there from the
>beginning of blooming and persists
>throughout the blooming period although some Z. rehmanii come close to
>You might want to read these two papers on Zantedeschia. Both have
>excellent keys and the latter
>has beautiful colored photos as part of the key.
>Singh, Y., Van Wyk, A.E. & Baijnath, H. 1996. Taxonomic notes on the
>genus Zantedeschia Spreng. (Araceae) in southern Africa. S. Af. J. Bot.
>62(6): 321-324.
>Singh, Y., Van Wyk, A.E. & Baijnath, H. 1995. Know your arums: a
>comprehensive guide to the genus Zantedeschia. Veld Flora 81: 54-55.
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