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Re: Lysichiton americanus
From: Jim Singer jsinger at igc.org> on 2000.09.27 at 04:29:16(5464)
hortus third says it's native 'california to alaska, east to idaho and
montana,' which would seem to rule out cold tenderness at almost any
naturally occurring temperature.
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in zone 8 or equivalent, however, it may not be heat tolerant.
At 11:11 AM 9/24/00 -0500, Paul Tyerman wrote:
>Howdy All,
>Does anyone know what the minimum temperature for the yellow skunk cabbage
>is? Frost tender or not? Whether it is in Australia (or allowed in
>Fascinating flower and I thought I'd ask the list to see.
>Thank in anticipation
>Paul Tyerman
>Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8
Himself @ jsinger@peacenet.org
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