> about here) -
>Could somebody of the moderators get this man OFF the list
Listen, you censor this group or you don't but this one must have slipped
through..........right? Tell me I am right!! PLEASE!!!!<
I guess it just must have slipped through them, oh Lord Pr--oops, I meant
Lord Phallus, of course!
>but the spathe on this baby is "Bo-koo Zoo-perb"!
>O.k., that's a mild consolation.....
> To those "in the know" - is this a fair example of D. pittieri -
>or is it an atypically gorgeous specimen. If the former, may
>consider jostling my Anthurium pots a tad to make room for one.
>As Julius has rightly written, to my mind, we are talking D. gigas here.
However, I must admit that the spathe inside is really much more red than in
my plant. So, is there a slight chance that this is an accidentally
SHORT-pedunculate pittieri??? Does D. pittieri have such a red
spathe-inside? Hey, Guanghua, get off your ... and help us out here!!!!!<
It does seem VERY red, almost like a 'ceramic'-textured surface, but perhaps
this may be caused by the film or camera used? Perhaps we should contact
th garden and ask someone there??
I am certain that this is D. gigas, and not D. pittieri, as the former has a
rounded top or apex of its spathe, while D. pittieri has an acute or more
pointed apex to its spathe, and the height of the white markings on the
bottom/inside of the spathe are distinctive.
>Wilbert (climbing aroids' worst nightmare!)<