From: "Jay Vannini" interbnk at> on 2000.09.10 at 17:00:58(5400)
Somewhat off-topic, but I agree with Tsuh Yang that this is a very
well-researched and fairly well-written book.
Some of us might find the parallels between "orchid fever" and (insert your
preferred poison) "aroid"/"palm"/"cactus"/"CP"/"fern", etc. "fever" kinda
unnerving but such is the nature of the acquisitive instinct in our species.
One of the criticisms leveled at the book is that the author bangs the
anti-CITES drum a bit relentlessly. I wud say that the only oversight I saw
was a lack of clarification that CITES never was intended to promote in-situ
conservation of any sort. I believe Neil Carroll wrote a good piece for the
cycad circles clarifying CITES intended goals and admitted limitations that
shud be looked at (along with the treaty itself) by anyone interested in
trade in threatened organisms.
Hansen also demonizes several staff members of RBG at Kew and makes the
customs authorities of certain EEC members sound like they forget that
fascism lost the final rounds of WWII.
Anyhoots... if you see it around - suggest you get a copy - makes for an
interesting evening's read.