-----Original Message-----
From: Julius Boos [SMTP:ju-bo@email.msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 10:29 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: Re: non-aroid search
-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: non-aroid search
Dear Les,
Another possibility is the use of a restrictive growth hormone spray which
is used here in Florida to produce 'Dwarfed Hibiscus', the spray looses its
potency in about a year, and the small plant then proceeds to 'grow up' to
normal size. Regular sized S. reginea will get to around 4-5 ft.
Good luck in your search.
>>this is no answer, les, but it may help in a rule-out. in the trade here
south florida, 'dwarf bird' means reginae and [non-dwarf] 'bird' means
'nicholai.' betrocks 'plantfinder' [aka trade bible] lists no variation of
either. on the other hand, there is a faux bird, heliconia brasiliensis,
that meets the 3-foot requirement and, from a distance, resembles s.
reginae. my local home depot had these for sale weekend before last for
$2.49 per 6-in pot; nice full plants. if you think that's it, i'll try to
get one [may not be any left] and send it to you. but i'll need a post
address. jim<<
At 07:17 PM 9/5/00 -0500, Lester Kallus wrote:
>I've had so much help on non-aroid requests in the past that I'm driven to
try again.
>There's a plant I've been trying to locate but have been unsuccessful.
>I understand that there's a dwarf form of Strelitzia reginae which grows
less than 3 feet high. Does anyone know of any sources? (I probably don't
have enough room for yet one more plant, but why should I let that stop
> Les
Himself @ jsinger@peacenet.org