The Following plants have grown one new leaf since May when
they arrived at a Miami nursery. Items 1-6 were sent by Joep
Moonen in French Guyana and grown by Denis Rotolante:
one Philodendron linneae cutting -- vining type with rosette of thick,
linear, spatulate leaves medium green in color. looks like it will make
a nice plant once it grows a few roots.
one Philodendron Polpoides-- a deeply lobed vining type. Very little
leaf blade between the veins.
two cuttings Philodendron callosum -- the two cuttings have sprouted and
produced small rosettes of linear dark green leaves. Looks very
interesting. *** to be auctioned as 2 separate plants ***
three plants (tip cuttings) of Anthurium moonenii-- all have sprouted
one leaf and although the leaf is usually three lobed, one of the three
has only a single middle lobe and no side lobes. This is a new species
to Horticulture and is still quite rare in collections, Dr. Croat just
named it two years ago. I have a large specimen here at the nursery that
is growing on a cypress pole. It appears each of the three lobes
ultimately get about 30 to 40 cm long and about 10-12 cm wide, with a
petiole 60 cm long. I will try and bring that plant to the show even
though it hasn't really gotten to far up the pole yet so that people can
see the mature size of this lovely plant.
*** to be auctioned as 3 separate plants ***
three cuttings Philodendron billietii long leaf form -- very nice
elongated leaf form of this nice, new species. Each of the three cutting
is a different plant size small medium and large. I guess the high bid
will get the biggest plant of it. *** to be auctioned as 3 separate
plants ***
one cutting of Phlodendron billietii -- the type form, nice plant, likes
bright light, grows easy.
Also, two of the highly prized and often sought after seedlings of
Anthurium reflexinervium in 4" pots. These come to us courtesy of the
Harry Luther and Donna Atwood at Marie Selby Gardens. Of the ten seed
they sent me only two germinated (typical for this species), though slow
growing(also typical)these two appear to be as robust as they can be,
they have just been stepped up to the 4" pots two months ago and have
not fully grown in yet. *** to be auctioned as 2 separate plants ***
Alocasia 'stoloniferous - N. Thailand' - Peter Boyce thinks this is
a new species. Picture available at:
The plant available for auction is not the plant in the picture. The
plant being auctioned is a seedling that is approximately 12 inches
Typhonium pedunculatum - Picture available at:
The plant being auctioned is a plant that has already flowered
this season. A mature plant is approximately 12 inches tall.
ITEM #10
Amorphophallus symonianus - similar to A. yuloensis. This
species makes intercalary bulbils.
The plant being auctioned is approximately 20 inches tall and
the intercalary bulbil is visible. Picture available at:
The plant pictured will be the plant being auctioned.
ITEM #11
Taccarum weddelianum - Picture available at:
The plant being auctioned is a 2 year old seedling.
ITEM #12
Amorphophallus arnautovii - a species from Vietnam with 2
notable characteristics: leaves that are evergreen (stay up for
2 to 3 years) and tubers that do not disappear each year,
giving it the 'chain of tubers' appearance.
ITEM #13
Typhonium giganteum - Picture available at:
The plant in the picture is not the specific plant being
auctioned. The plant being auctioned is approximately
12 inches tall and is probably 1 to 2 years away from
ITEM #14
Synandrospadix vermitoxicus - Picture available at:
The plant in the picture is not the plant being auctioned.
The plant being auctioned is a seedling that is approximaely
12 inches tall.
ITEM #15
Anchomanes giganteum - The plant being aucioned is a 1 year old
>>>>keep watching for more emails, as additional items may be added.
Now, the auction will work this way.... you send me a bid... the highest
that you would be willing to pay for the plant. If the bidding on the
floor stops at $50.00 and your bid to me was $100.00, you will get the plant
for $55.00, if the bidding on the floor has been in $5.00 increments. If the
bidding has been in $1.00 increments, you would get the plant for $56.00.
Actually, I will be bidding for you as the auction is actually happening,
but, I will not exceed your maximum bid. If your bid is successful, I
will notify you and you can send the IAS a check and the plant will be
mailed to you. If there are any questions on this procedure, send an
e-mail directly to me, alan_galloway@ncsu.edu. Please do NOT hit the reply
button and clog up the list.
Important!!!! If you care to make a bid...
Send me a PRIVATE E-MAIL to with AUCTION as the
subject. In the body of the message indicate which plant you are bidding on
and the maximum amount that you will pay for it. And feel free to bid on
as many plants as you would like. Remember, this is a means of raising much
needed funds for the IAS organization.
>>>>>>>>>If you send a reply to aroid-l, your bid will be trashed by the
I will check my e-mail as late as 11:00 pm eastern time on Tuesday, Sept. 19
to see if there are any further bids.
Alan Galloway alan_galloway@ncsu.edu
Assistant Director for Systems
Information Technology
North Carolina State University http://www4.ncsu.edu/~alan
Campus Box 7109 (phone) 919-515-5483
Raleigh, NC 27695-7109 (fax) 919-513-1893