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winter preparations
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 2000.09.06 at 00:16:36(5342)
I understand that Wednesday night is going to dip into the 50s. I'm going to start bringing some of the more tender alocasias and anthuriums in. I understand that I can leave the Colocasias out for a while longer but for a change, I'd rather not kill all the non-esculenta ones.
What's the best way of trying to keep the following alive over the winter:
C. "burgandy stem"
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C. antiquorum illustris
C. fallax
C. "Black Magic"
C. fontanesii
C. Hilo Beauty
Yes, I know the best way of over-wintering them is to charter a plane and plant them in some well groomed Florida yard for the winter but I was hoping to spend just a bit less than that. So with that in mind, do I really have to keep every one of those going in the greenhouse over the winter? Is there some relatively successful way of allowing them to hibernate and have some reasonable kind of recovery in the spring?
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