From: Ellen Hornig hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 2000.07.30 at 15:33:23(5185)
Since Steve Marak mentioned sending me sauromatums (typhoniums) years ago,
I thought I'd better check in with my own report.
The tubers you sent me, Steve, eventually expired in the garden, where I
had planted them in what was probably a much too heavy soil. As best I
remember, I had more in pots; and concluding that they would not be hardy,
I dumped whatever remained into the compost heap. That compost heap was
eventually spread across an area that became a new garden, and last year I
started noticing small sauromatums there. This year there are at least
three good-sized ones (one bloomed) and several little ones.
We are somewhat colder here in upstate NY than Steve is in Arkansas
(though technically only a half-zone colder, we can have long spells where
highs linger in the teens (Fahrenheit) and lows are down to -10F or so,
but these are usually at times when we have good snow cover). In general,
zone 6 herbaceous plants are pretty safe here; for woodies, it's
definitely zone 5.
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So - that's a little too inconclusive for your catalog, Diane, but I guess
it supports Steve's observation that they're definitely hardy in zone 6.
Ellen (who is also working on her fall catalog, and suffering accordingly)
Ellen Hornig
Seneca Hill Perennials
3712 County Route 57
Oswego, New York 13126 USA
USDA zone 5B (mintemps -10 to -20F)
Phone:(315) 342-5915
Fax: (315) 342-5573