From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2000.07.17 at 22:03:04(5142)
Dear Derek,
Thank you for the web site, which I am still browsing and enjoying!
Is there anyone in particular who you recomend that I may contact with
questions about the parentage of the 'modern' Caladiums?? I am interested
in tracing the use of C. picturatum as a 'parent' in the early years. It
is mentioned prominently in the old literature, and C. schomburgkii is not,
and I often wonder if the two names were somehow 'mixed up', as I do not see
any influence of C. picturatum in today`s cultivars, while the leaf shape of
C. schomburgkii is easily seen in cultivars such as Florida Sweet Heart,
Gingerland and White wing. Many others may be pure C. schomburgkii
cultivars, such as Mambo, Red Frills, etc.
Thanks again for the input!
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there, then click "archives" and go to Issue 4. My article in cladiums is
wonderful, but does have a little about the state of the industry and images
of a number of varieties.
Incidently, like all editors, I am always looking for material. Wish that I
could tap into some of the great threads that go on at this site.
Best to all.
Derek Burch
Zone 10B (11?)
Fort Lauderdale<<