From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2000.07.16 at 17:30:17(5134)
Dear Donna,
Thanks for taking the time to answer and give the info. on the 'sweet
smelling' A. bulbifer. I have only run into it a couple of times, the last
was several years ago at a Plant Show and Sale here in W.P.B. at the Mounts
Bot. Garden, Charlie Mc Daniel had a plant in bloom, and my description is
based on that memory. I believe that the bloom was exactly as you
describe, and many stopped to smell and marvel at this 'non-stinky'
Amorphophallus, a really nice smell and a BEAUTIFUL, chalice-like
inflorescence, pink and a light salon was involved in it`s colors, I
believe. I remember the peduncle as being rather tall? Am I correct on
this part of my memory, as Wilbert seems to be very interested as to this
point. I have put out a call to try to find a specimen around here that we
can to send to Wilbert.
In the interest of science, I believe that Selby should try to get a plant
of this to Lord P. post-haste, as it does need a correct name! Seemingly
rather jaded now after all the sometimes nondescript, stinky and ugly phalli
that he has been forced to inspect, perhaps a new, handsome, nice-smelling
one would be just the 'pick-me-up' that he needs!! What think ye, oh great
Lord P.???Think you could help with this task??
Cheers and good growing to all,
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W.P.B., Florida
I think this is what we had labeled as Amorphophallus bulbifer. I just
changed the tag to A. muelleri but I am not so sure this is correct. The
inflorescence smells a bit like a light tropical citrus or gingery smell. It
is not very strong smelling but certainly does not smell stinky or rotten or
otherwise repulsive. Bulbils form at the base of the blades. The spathe
interior is a lovely shell pink. I wish I still had an inflorescence for a
better description but our plants bloomed about a month ago. These plants
have been here for several years outdoors (have no idea about the source of
the plant, but possibly came from Sun Bulb?) and we have often referred to
as the "nice smelling bulbifer".
I would check my Aroideana Amorphophallus volume to compare Wilbert's
descriptions of both Amorph. bulbifer and A. muelleri but have loaned it out
and did not get it back! I'll never do that again!
Donna Atwood
There is an Amorphophallus here in Florida much like A. bulbifer in that it
produces bulbils on the leaf 'joints' that does produce a BEAUTIFUL, tall,
chalice-like bloom that smells WONDERFUL, quite unlike the stench of A.
bulbifer. It is sold by Charlie Mc Daniel at Shows as the 'Good-smelling
A. bulbifer'.
Any ideas??