who may confirm or infirm what i think.I am only a collector!(and a lover)of
Dany Hervelle from Belgium
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pugturd@aol.com
? : Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Date : lundi 10 juillet 2000 22:45
Objet : A few Questions
>Well, the other day I bought a few unusual Colocasia one was variegated and
>another has red streaks down the stem. They were sold under their Hawaiian
>names. kumu, maea, lehua. Here is some information I got off a site about
>Polynesian introduction
>The most important plant in Hawaiian culture is Taro. Taro is a very useful
>and beautiful plant. This staple food plant of the temperate zone was known
>in China and in Egypt in the first century. It made it's way to Hawaii
>through Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and the South Pacific Islands as a
>plant by the Polynesians. The Hawaiians cultivated over 300 named
>They have rich variations in stalk colors and leaf petiole colors. Some of
>the most striking varieties such as kumu, maea, and elepaio add grace to a
>garden. Leaf tops sway in the breeze and make the plant look like it is
>dancing a hula. The Kumu has red stalks and was used as an offering to the
>Gods. Maea has dark burgundy stalks and burgundy veins, and the elepaio has
>green stalks and green leaves, with white speckling on the leaves. One of
>most favored varieties for poi is lehua. It has green leaves, the stalks
>green and light pink. Most of the varieties are good table taro, just
>and covered with butter. The leaves are delicious steamed
>OK well this makes me wonder does any one have a list or photos of all
>unusual Colocasia. It seems their are a lot of them not in collections that
>should be. Just recently Nancy's revenge Affinis Jeningsii and a few other
>unusual looking forms have come out.
>I would like to also know if any of these Colocasia have been crossed with
>Xanthosoma or Caladium's? I have read on here someone in China crossed an
>Alocasia with a Colocasia? Is their any PICS of this?
>It would be interesting to see a caladium bicolor crossed with a Colocasia
>a Xanthosoma magnificum cross. Thanks