> Reply-to: aroid-l@mobot.org
> R. vivipara started shooting up a petiole last week, and shortly
> afterward, even before the leaf emerged, up popped an infloresence. It
> apparently opened last night. Bown says this is normal behavior for this
> species, although according to her many plants never produce
> an infloresence. This afternoon the spathe had totally
> withered already with spadix still in place and looking OK. This all
> happened very quickly. Has anyone on the list experienced flowering and been
> lucky enough to get seed?
> Don
My Remusatia viviparias seem to flower every 2nd year or so. The infloresence
appearing before the leaves.I also remember them as having a pleasant
perfume. Within about 2 days the spathe has folded right back and began
withering leaving the spadix looking lonely and decidedly 'rude'.
Mine have never set seed.
It occurs naturally in our northern tropical regions but despite this
I grow it easily outside in Melbourne's temperate climate. It has
proven to be a very handsome and tough aroid.
Perhaps they don't flower often because they produce so many bulbils
on their stems.
Dept.of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Monash University, Clayton 3168
e-mail: Rob.McClure@sci.monash.edu.au