Albert Huntington wrote:
> Hello, List.
> I would like to bring up a couple of observations about my A. bulbifer and
> ask some questions.
> I keep my A. bulbifer in a greenhouse (low 65F, high 90F, Humidity
>80%+), and
> around last September I noticed that the leaf ( about 2ft high ) was
> to wilt, perhaps in preparation for dormancy of some sort. Since the
>plant had
> been growing pretty vigorously, I figured that I would try out a
>procedure that
> I had read on the list for taking petiole cuttings, and harvest a few of the
> bulbils along the way. I removed the leaf from the tuber and cut the petiole
> into 2-3" long sections which I sealed into a plastic bag with some damp
> sphagnum peat. I stored the tuber in the fridge over the winter,
>figuring that
> I did not have room for the plant with everything else overwintering in my
> greenhouse, should it decide to come back up. I also stored a bunch of
> tubers that had formed attached to the big tuber.
> Much to my amazement, the petioles did in fact form even more little tubers
> after a month or two.
> Now, in March, I figured it was time to pot out the tubers, so I took them
> from the fridge, where they had kept relatively well, and I planted them in
> pots in the greenhouse. I then proceeded to wait. And wait. And wait.
> About early June, a few of the small tubers had sprouted, but not the big
> one. Now, in July, I finally see a small pink shoot on top of my bigger
> tuber. Some more of the smaller tubers I had potted up are beginning to
> sprout. Every single other Amorph I have, including the ones Wilbert
>sent out
> this spring, is pretty much in full leaf by now. This is somewhat
>puzzling to
> me.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to why my A. bulbifer and its offshoots
> should be poking their heads out so late this year? Is it because I stressed
> the plant by cutting off its head a bit early? Does it have something to do
> with its long siesta in the fridge? Is A. bulbifer just a late species?
> Anybody else have any experiences like this with other species?
> Thanks in advange for your answers...
> --Albert
> =====
> Albert Huntington San Jose, CA U.S.A.
> Visit my greenhouse at:
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