In reference to the Unidentified Pachyneurium from Dr Birdsey's
Backyard; he used to have a clump of what he called Anthurium
crassinervium variety cripimarginatum under the pine trees in bright
shade. The mature plants were 5 to 6 feet tall with narrow (8 to 10"
wide) very upright dark green, thick leaves with prominent veins and
very wavy margins. He gave me a bunchof seeds one year at our
propagation meeting in the eighties and at the time I thought the
resulting plants were too tall and too prone to bacteria for commercial
nursery production. Since his plant were growing "au natural"and showed
no signs of bacterial infection, Monroe thought that the susceptibility
to bacteria was a result of growing under a fiberglass roof which
blocked the beneficial spectrum of the sun's light. Subsequently, in
1992 we were run over by Hurricane Andrew and lost the one or two plants
that we had held onto. If this is not the plant to which you are
referring I don't know of any other bird nest types I can recall
Monroe's yard that fit your description. Maybe somebody else's
recollection is better than mine...I've been known to be wrong a lot
Denis at Silver Krome Gardens
Homestead Florida
Lurker and sometimes Lunkhead wrote:
> Lurker I am. I am new to th is format , but noit to many wriyers, who
> enjoyed the dialogue to become acquainted. So here goes I am an on, off, on
> again grower of too many years. I live in SW. Fl who after the vacation
> found remnants of the former collection doing very well. Those are the ones
> to grow. Hoever I am well onto another collection. A poser: A number of
> years ago Monroe Birdsey shared an anthurium with Jack Johnson. For years he
> never flowered it and before his demise gave it to JAck Williford. It
> produced seed for Jack who sent them to me. After a 95% germination I have
> seedlings that I have never seen before. The plant is pachyneurum like, has
> narrow aacumoinate leaves, short petiole :D: shaped. Mid vein raised nearly
> to the tip. Broader near the top. Persistant cataphylls. Leaf color
> reminescent of A. superb um or A. wilifordii . Mildly bullate- at this
> time- Whilee I know this matches others I believe there are key clues for
> those who might be more intimate with Birdsys collection than I. We are
> about to recover from a serious drought that destroyed or set back acres of
> citrus and the loss of precious plants. Hiope to be more resposive in the
> future. Nice hearing ffrom old friends